Using European Community Standard modelling software (COSYMA), this assessment compares the proposed Flamanville EPR to the radiological consequences of a severe radioactive release arising from a containment-bypass or containment failure at each of a number of existing NPPs in France, including Tricastin, Nogent-sur-Seine and Fessenheim. Because France has in place a programme to utilise reactor grade plutonium fuel (MOX) in certain of its existing NPPs and specifically in the EPR development at Flamanville, the impact of a radioactive release of MOX is examined in comparison with a low enriched uranium (LEU) fuelled NPP. The assessment includes account of the type of nuclear fuel, both LEU and MOX that is currently in use in French NPPs, and it projects the higher radiological consequences should the Generation III European Pressurised Reactor (EPR) proposed at Flamanville be subject to a severely damaging incident.
ReportLa Vulnérabilite des Centrales Nucléaires Françaises aux Chutes d’Avion
TEPCO Plan to Flood Primary Containment at Fukushima Daiichi
EPCO plans to flood Unit 1 containment considered unwise.
ReportChernobyl 20 Years On
Chernobyl – A nuclear catastrophe 20 years on – Review of the Radiological Situation in 2006.