The Review comprises three aspects of the present nuclear safety measures relating to the functioning of the Sendai nuclear power plant (NPP) when subject to high levels of tephra ash fallout from an erupting volcanic event. First, the LargeAssociates Review seeks to describe the present regulatory constraints and requirements placed upon the Sendai NPP operator to adequately forecast the nature and risk of occurrence of the general volcanic hazard; second, the effectiveness of the screening process adopted to determine which volcanoes and to what extent these represent a hazard to the Sendai NPP; and, third, if the severity of the projected volcanic event complies with the 2013 revised design-basis requirements of the Nuclear Regulation Authority (NRA) and, in this regard, if the preparation and countermeasures at the Sendai NPP site are sufficient to protect the region from a significant radiological outcome in the event that nuclear plants are subject to a prolonged period of tephra fallout.
Summary Review